All About Me


Who Am I…

Honestly, I don’t know who I am. 

Depending on the day, I probably could tell you how I was but not necessarily who- I was. Today, I was a happy, conservative gal strolling around like Princess Kate with my head held high, accessorized with my “mysterious smile” (as my coworker would call it).

Tomorrow, I might be a total wreck! An angry black woman with a serious attitude for whatever reason.  I may feel fat and ugly because my outfit is a mess and doesn’t fit my curves.

I probably climbed into bed by 9PM, dozed off at 9:10PM, only to be taunted by my friends for being a “granny.”  If only they knew, I’m in here doubting my own sanity and asking myself, “Are you depressed girl?” 

If you could read the thoughts that seem to always dance around in my head, they would spell,  

“Am I ready to get married?  I hate my closet… I have nothing to wear! Girl, you have gotten so fat! WTH!  Damn, I look good.  I need someone to take this picture of me. Do it for the grammmm! I hate my job.  This can’t be life. I’m ready to move. I want to go to India. This is some bullshit.  I hate working out. I need a new job. I need a drink.  NOW.”  

You see, I don’t know who I am. I have no idea. I’m constantly changing, I’m always in transit and very unstable.  I’ve been this way for some time. But I’m starting to believe it’s just the roller coaster thrill of being in my twenties. Do I like it? No. Am I completely happy?  Hell no.  Should I be happy?  Absolutely.  So why not be? I’m still searching for the answers to that. 

To be honest, I am truly blessed.  If I was to make a list of all the good things that I’ve accomplished, you would be proud.  Hell, I am proud.  But good is never best. And honestly, some of those honors were accomplished to make someone else happy, not for me.  Now, I need more of what I want.  What do I want?  hmmm, I guess it’s time to explore.  

So you want to know who I am? I am just a twenty-something year old woman who may be just as lost as you— a gal trying to dream out loud, be happy, and free.  

Just read and see.


  1. I am absolutely in love with your blog. As I peruse through some of your stories I vividly remember my twenties and all of the ups and downs that one encounters. I have had my share of heartaches, setbacks and disappointments but I am truly thankful to have experienced the ALL!!!! I can live my life now with no regrets and chuckle at my dysfunction in my twenties!!!!!


    • Aww!! Thanks for reading !! This gives me hope for my thirties. I can’t wait to look back too at all the nonsense I’ve done in my twenties! Lol!


  2. I just turned 20 (like literally…in October) and so I was drawn to your blog name. I was then intrigued to read your “About Me”. I love how I can sense your passion through your words and I just truly enjoyed the raw honesty! I can agree with when you said most of the things you accomplished were to make other people happy. It’s the same with me in a way. I’m here in DC doing a program to satisfy my parents And although it’s a wonderful and beneficial opportunity and I am learning to enjoy myself…the decision to come wasn’t really for me!

    I just subscribed to you and I”m look forward to being in on your journey!


    • Hey Girl!

      HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!! Welcome to the Twenties Club!

      I must say, you are way more wiser than I was at 20years old. I was likely miserable and had a bad attitude when I had to satisfy someone else needs, even if it was beneficial to me in the long run.

      My only advice is for you to keep finding ways to add your sparkle to undesired situations until you have completely found out what truly makes you happy.

      Enjoy the ride. You’ll learn and grow. And in the end, it will be your beautifully written twenties gal story that will inspire others some day.

      Good luck girl!!!

      Thanks so much for reading my blog! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hmmmmmmmmm …………… my twenties was a long time ago, but I do remember the frustrations, the confusion, the disappointments. I remember arriving at junctions and taking wrong turns. I remember the dreams…. none of which came to fruition. Life is a wonderful teacher though, because while those twenties experiences have constantly repeated through later years, I am handling them much differently. My dreams are tempered with more reality, and my expectations of others are significantly lower. I am pleased with less, but I share myself more. A vacation is a break from work, not necessarily an exotic beach. A relationship is friendship, not necessarily anything more. A meal is whatever is available. The best meal is the one that is shared. Embrace your twenties because you may well revisit them on a regular basis! 🙂


    • This made me smile!

      Thank you so much for sharing. My favorite quote was, “A meal is whatever is available.” I guess somethings won’t ever change. Life comes at us in full circle. I can definitely remember being very appreciative for any meal as a young college student. lol. Again, thank you for your thoughtful comment.


  4. This is really nice! I can definitely relate while laying in my bed feeling lazy and tired. God has showed me favoritism but why do I feel the way I do? I have 2 months before my twenties gal days are over then I’ll be a thirties woman. What am I to do? Anyways, cute article and keep doing your thang!


  5. Girl, reading this post was like reading my journal. I often underestimate how liberating it is to read someone’s story and feel a but less crazy bc someone has shared experiences! Anywho, beautiful piece, beautiful spirit.

    Be well!!


    • Hey girl!, I am soooo glad I am not the only one that feels like this too and constantly struggles with every one of those issues. lol. Thanks for reading girl!

      I hope you liked the other stories too.


  6. Poodie! I’m just getting around to reading your blog. I didn’t really know what to expect, but I have to admit I’m impressed. I’m so proud of the beautiful woman that you’ve become. You’ve come so far from lil ol’ Petersburg. You’re living, and that’s what it’s all about. You’ve even given me some inspiration. I’m sure you’ll be aight with whatever you choose to do next. Keep your head up! Love you!


    • Kendal!!!!! Well, hello sir!!! 🙂 Thanks for visiting my blog and I’m glad you found it interesting. I love you too. And who knows, I may be your neighbor in NYC. ;-). Thanks again!


  7. Finally getting around to reading your blog. I love how real and uncut you are about many of the issues we women face on a day to day basis. Thanks for sharing more of yourself with the world. I have always thought highly of you and your stylish ways. I always tell Kendal to ask you to be my stylist. Love ya and keep writing!




  8. Love it and continue to be an inspiration. “May you live all the days of your life.” Living is not solely about achieving. Its doing something that adds value to our lives and the lives of others. Continue your journey and God Bless.


  9. I must admit at first i didnt think i’d be interested, but that intro just blew my mind and described me to a T (well minus the female hormones running wild lol). I look forward to reading the rest of your blog as now im very intrigued on what’s to come. Congrats to you Ms Harrison, you’ve won me over.


    • PeeWee! lol, I’m glad you decided to visit my blog and surprisingly found it interesting. Thanks for the support. And I’m still dreaming about that Happy Hour date with all of us.


  10. Love love love. Finally you launch your blog.. I’m sooooo proud of u lil sis and I look forward to reading journey!


  11. Awesome piece! Definitely very well written! The beauty of growing & maturing! Life is an adventure & so is finding who you really are & created to be! Blessings hun! I will definitely be back for MORE!!!


  12. This was so candid, real, honest, relatable, and simply perfecto;-) keep doing your thing boop!


  13. This is so me whole heartedly!!!!! I absolute love this all these words seems to have come straight from my mouth…. Keep going gal!!!


  14. So relatable at times….not only in ur twenties. Great piece sweetie pie. Smooches


  15. Awesome!!!! Well written. Can’t wait to read more!! Do your thang honey because no one else will do it like you!!! I love it!! Shoot for the stars!!


  16. This is great hun and sooo relatable! Proud of you and looking forward to what’s to come. From one “twenty-something gal” to another ♥


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