It was 2001, when I first remember falling in love with Ms. Dorothy Dandridge. Mr. Gilchrist, my drama teacher, had asked me to write a monologue to portray her character in our Black History assembly. It was her beauty and style that captured my attention but her talent that captured my heart. Since then, I have replicated bits and pieces of Ms. Dandridge, including her timeless hairstyles.


This is my version of her 1920’s inspired hairstyle–soft waves.


bob pins

hair clips

heat protector spray

curling iron

Estimated Styling Time:

30-40 minutes


1. Spray your hair with heat protector. I used Turn Up The Heat.

2. Use a curling iron to spiral curl your hair towards your face. For instance, if you’re curling on the right side of your face, be sure to spiral curl in that direction. I used my CHI flat irons because I forgot how to curl with an old school curling iron.

3. Pin curl each curl with Bob Pins.

Processed with VSCOcam with t1 preset

4. Spray with a bit of holding spray. I used CHI Enviro Flex Hold Hair Spray.

5. Allow your curls to sit for a minimum of 10 minutes.

6. Remove your pins and lightly brush them out.

7. Began to form your waves by combing your hair backwards. Pin it with a large clip. Spray with holding spray. Then, comb forward, repeating the process.

Processed with VSCOcam with t1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with t1 preset

8. Remove clips from your waves.

There you have your 1920’s inspired soft waves.



I used  LillianMasie’s,” Vintage Inspired Hairstyle Tutorial” video on YouTube to assist me, as well. You may find it to be even more helpful if you’re a visual learner like myself.  Enjoy.


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